about Dil Se Nul


Dil Se Nul(ディル・セ・ヌル)は、

こちらは、タミル・ナデュ州での社会福祉活動Dil Se Trust>の傘下で
<Dil Se Hut>の屋号でゲストハウスの運営もございます。



そこへお邪魔させていただくことにしました。そこが<Dil Se Hut>です。



アッパーやママと一緒にお寺へ行ったり、街へ買い物にでたり、神様に祈ったり、一緒に暮らしていてわたしは思いつきました。可愛くて買いすぎてしまったドレスをさらに買いすぎて、日本で販売をするという計画です。そしてその売り上げの一部をDil Se Trust>に寄付をする。今まで、他の国の人の世話を焼くなら自分の国の困った人を助ければいいのに..と思っていましたが、これが人の「縁」というものなのです。


ドレスや小物は1点につき100ルピー(170円)、パンツは 200ルピー(340円)分、表示の価格から寄付させていただきます。

2000ルピー(3400円)で5人分の身寄りのないお年寄りの1ヶ月分(1日一食)のフリーミールに当てることができます。これがソーシャルウォーカーなアッパーDil Se Trust>の次の目標です。目標に向かう手伝いをしたい私のご理解のほどをよろしくお願いいたします。



del se...

Hi. This is Chiewari's shop site of Indian clothing. 
"Dil Se" means from Heart, Love and 'Nul' is yarn.
This name is taken from "Dil Se Trust" by my father in India. 
He is a Social Worker and raising adapted children and helping old people. He has his temple and at Full moon night, my Indian mother serves Milk Rice which is call Kheel to children in the village. They also have guest house name "Dil Se Hut". You are able to spend with this nice family and animals in South India.

To tell the story, about 10years ago I became a non meat-eater after a big influence of Bob Marley, Music God by Jamaica. Few years later, I met Southern Indian food which was full variety of Vegetables, Beans and Spices. As I was also wearing fabrics only from India, I came up with an idea that I will do a homestay in South India someday..

One day I went to the hairdresser's where the site my father was raised, (which is now the training institute of well known company), I've got my hair really short. And made me in a deep sorrow,  I decided to go India.

I found this angel living house "Dil Se Hut". About 30min to the North by bus from Madurai, Tamil Nadu.

In the morning before the sunset, I practice Yoga with mom and her friend on the roof top.
Day breaks and family start to get up, everyone start to clean the house, take care of cows, make fire and cook rice, draw kolam(rangoli), shower and everything. I really love this morning time, as in Japan I had to do everything by myself and was just so so boring, I always sleep late and woke up around noon... but now! I think I'm reborn, still by myself tho I wake up 5:30 as usual, put my bindu, walk around my house and practice yoga (I miss mom every time) , drink tea, clean my house and cook rice by earthen pot. Feeling natural vibes and my family in India.  

To live in a big family, using less electricity, eat pure meal, pray, live with nature.. this is what I was always looking for, which I could never find in Tokyo or from my real family. And to show my love, what could I do? I decided to contribute by selling Indian Item. 

Why do I do this? When I was a child living in San Jose California, I had to go to Japanese school on Saturday, may be our mother school was in San Francisco, we had school song singing, "Someday I will be a suspension bridge of the world.." I knew there are still not so much people of Japanese who speak English. And as I never let my life go just working, eat and die, I want to be a power of something, so I thought this might be my fate. 

Dresses are 100rupee per 1item, Ali baba pants are 200rupee per 1 item, I hand to Dil Se Trust. 
By 2000rupee, we can serve 5people's 1 free meal a month. I believe we consume 2000rupee so easy for 1 person in 1 dinner in Japan. Doing Free meal is one of my father's next object, and my wish is to support it, I apprecilove for your understanding. 

Please email salilasoleil@gmail.com for your purchase, or any question you have.
I will get back to you.

I hope you find your favorite one.

dil se...

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